Welcome to ISFM
THE PURPOSE of the International Society for Frontier Missiology (ISFM) is the promotion of thinking and sharing on an international level in the area of missiology oriented toward a concern for the unfinished task. While we do not feel it is possible to be dogmatic about the precise meaning of “the Great Commission,” we do believe we should try to evaluate the various possible meanings of “the unfinished task.”
We hope, furthermore, to evaluate goal statements both short- and long-term. The ISFM also seeks to promote intergenerational dialogue between senior and junior mission leaders and to cultivate an international fraternity of thought (involving both mission and church leaders) in the development of frontier missiology.
The society has six main objectives:
1. To promote within the global Christian community the cause of the peoples of the world who have the least access to the Christian gospel.
2. To stimulate prayer and spiritual warfare on behalf of the unreached peoples of the world.
3. To facilitate the presentation of adequate, accurate, and timely descriptions of unreached peoples so as to enable Christian entities to formulate strategies to reach them.
4. To provide a forum for Spirit-led, scholarly, realistic, and thorough discussions regarding issues and goal statements related to reaching those peoples with the least access to the gospel in the shortest time possible.
5. To provide a means whereby those individuals and organizations who are actively engaged in efforts to take the gospel to the unreached peoples may share their experiences so as to learn from one another, and where deemed appropriate, to consider coordinating their efforts.
6. To publish the International Journal of Frontier Missiology as a means toward these other objectives.